Thursday, September 17, 2020

Wide Sleeve Pullover

I knitted this cozy sweater some time ago and forgot about posting it. It's a homegrown pattern that is simply a raglan pullover done with very wide sleeves. I also wanted wide armholes to go with the wide sleeves so I just knitted the raglan increases for a longer length than usual before splitting up for the sleeves. Also, the ratio of front or back stitches to sleeve stitches is 1:1 at the start, so the raglan lines start much closer to the center of the body. The collar is knitted double the height and folded over to allow it to stand up.

I bought the yarn for this sweater at Stitches West, which happened before the pandemic shutdown. It's called Alpakka Lin and it's a great blend of linen and alpaca. The linen keeps it strong and sturdy and the alpaca makes it really warm. I actually haven't gotten a chance to wear this out yet, both because I finished it in time for a warm summer. Winter will come soon enough, and maybe by then I'll be able to go somewhere fun wearing my sweater!


Summer Flies said...

I love that jumper. I love the colour, the shape, the sleeves and the mix of fibres. You've done a lovely job.

Anonymous said...

So glad to see a post from you, Betty.! Beautiful sweater. What a great color! I love the angle of those raglan diagonals. I hope I can figure out how to do that. Will have to investigate that linen alpaca yarn. Sounds ideal! Chloe

Ellen Bloom said...

This is such an elegant shape! The yarn makes this a beautiful piece. If you wear it with pearls, you'll be all dolled up!