Sunday, December 9, 2012

Furniture roulette

A series of events occurred over the last few days that involved used furniture.
  1. I found this great curio cabinet at the Los Altos ACS Discovery Shop. (That place has the greatest stuff.) See image above.
  2. I moved the cabinet up to SF to be used as a small liquor cabinet. It took the space formerly occupied by a very out-dated 1970's TV stand. The stand got hauled out to the street corner for free-cycling. It was picked up less than 48 hours later.
  3. While walking the dog at night, we saw this black chest of drawers set out for free-cycling. I drove over and picked it up and we hauled it up into the spare room. See image below. It's actually an inexpensive piece with flimsy construction, but it's good enough for my purposes. It also had some bits of paint chipped off but a black Magic Marker took care of that.
  4. The flimsy chest replaced a small plastic (lavender!) chest of drawers, which got hauled down to the garage.
  5. The plastic unit actually replaced something in the garage, which was a sturdy but very ugly small wooden chest of drawers. (Yes, it was uglier than the lavender plastic). No photos provided for either of those units. The sturdy but ugly chest was hauled out to the same street corner for free-cycling. It was also picked up less than 48 hours later.
  6. To complete this frenzy of furniture movement, I took an antique rocking chair (see last image) from SF to the Discovery shop as a donation.
So, here are the end results:

-- My furniture count: -1
Woo-hoo! At this point in my life, any decrease in the amount of furniture is good.

-- The number of pieces that have found or will find new homes: 5!

I'm being so green, I could just die.


Kitten With a Whiplash said...

Beautiful curio chest, congrats! I can't even count all the free-cycle furniture that's passed thru my apartment.

Anonymous said...

I'd a picked up that rocking chair.
