At the WEBS booth, I bought 3 bags of yarn. Two of them are Louisa Harding Grace-silk & wool. The third is Valley Yarns Northfield. I also purchased the Norah Gaughan volume 8 booklet. I've already cast on for Nespelem using the green Louisa Harding yarn.

From the Woolstock Yarn Shop booth, I bought a sale bag of Sublime Organic Merino DK yarn.

I bought this interesting shawl/sweater "safety-pin" from a vendor selling lots of wooden crafty things, but I forgot to pick up a business card.

I got this interesting button from Bob's Buttons. It's made from a Micronesian palm seed and embellished with turquoise.

Finally, I visited my favorite button vendor and got these plastic buttons which are made to look like metal. They are very lightweight, which makes them great for knits.