I'm dashing towards the finish line with Hey, Teach! from knitty.com I just have the sleeves to go, and they are short sleeves. The yarn is Knit One Crochet Too 2nd Time Cotton. I liked this pattern when it first came out, except for the ribbed waist band and the ribbed button band. I figured that the center band, with the loose gauge ribbing, would just stretch with wear and the sweater would look baggy. And I could not deal with the loose button band concept -- it had too much of the button band "gaposis" that I hate and have blogged about in the past. While traveling through da web, I stumbled upon the linen stitch, described as a very dense stitch, and I figured this is the stitch for me. The body is knitted with size 6 needles, and I knitted the waist band with size 8 get the equivalent width, and knitted 12 rows instead of the 8 ribbing rows specified in the pattern. I used size 7 for the button band. I'm really happy with the end result -- the waist band does not stretch much, and the button bands are nicely dense. I think the sweater has better finished look, if I may say so myself.
My bottom section is an inch longer than the pattern's length, and I did some increases above the band to get more ease at the bust line. I also did tapered decreases on the bottom section instead of doing them all in one row.

Next, I've cast on for Veronique, from French Girl Knits (ravelry link). I'm using Jaeger Trinity, which is the same yarn that I used for Paloma, but in denim blue. Mine will probably not look as ethereal as the pattern version because the yarn is denser, but it's still pretty loosely woven and light.