I also bought some Debbie Bliss Stella in a shade of hot pink. It did not look as pink on the convention floor under the fluorescent lights. I forgot the vendor name, but they seem to be there every year selling bags of sale yarn.

Finally, I got some Malabrigo worsted. I bought 5 skeins of this bluish lavender color. This was not a sale item. The vendor is Imagiknit from San Francisco. I've never knitted with Malabrigo before, but tons of knitters rave about it, so it's about time I tried it out. I don't have a pattern in mind yet.

I also got these cool vintage looking buttons:

Finally, I got this sweater fastener pin that was orignally sold as a hair clip. They come in several sizes, look vintage-y, and have this great feature where the stick is attached so that you can't lose it, which can happen with normal shawl pin designs. They were very popular.

While we're on the topic of boosting the economy, I've been replacing a lot of furniture recently, including the bedroom pieces. I decided to re-purpose the old bedroom chest for yarn storage, and now I feel super organized and I have more space for quite a bit more stash. Woohoo! I discovered that these Ikea Komplement storage boxes make grest yarn organizers in the chest.