This is Conic by Cookie A. I absolutely love this sweater. In general, I love these longer shrug-like sweaters because I find them really easy and comfortable to wear. This once stays on the shoulders really well and also drapes on the back very nicely. The front isn't that exciting, but that's fine by me. My yarn is the discontinued Cascade Cash Vero DK. The gauge is a bit higher than the pattern's fingerling weight, so I decided to just wing it with the sizing. I started at the top back by casting on enough stitches to get the recommended width to start with, then followed with the same decreases and increases. I figured the sweater might end up longer that way, but that would be fine. For the conic sleeves, I picked up 3 stitches for every 4 rows on the more slanted top and bottom sections and 2 stitches for every 3 rows on the middle back area. I reduced the number of sleeve decrease stitches a little bit and just went along until a good circumference was reached.
Here's a view of the cone shaped "sleeves". This sweater used up more yarn than I expected, probably because these cones are quite large.