News flash! I knitted a shawl! If you have read this blog for a while or looked through my ravelry projects, you'll know that I never knitted a shawl before. I never really want to wear a shawl - I just prefer to wear a sweater because I don't have to fuss with it staying on my shoulders a certain way, or whatever. I took a short trip to Carmel-by-the-sea not too long ago and while there, paid a visit to Knitting by the Sea as I always do. The shop had on display a sample shawl knitted with Fame trend paljett yarn. This yarn is threaded with small sequins and I was attracted to the bling, sort of like birds attracted to bright shiny things. One shawl only takes one ball of yarn, and the shop provides the pattern with a yarn purchase. It's really a simple shawl knit in garter stitch with a YO increase at the start of every row. I really do like the bling and I'm amazed how warm it feels for such a lightweight piece that is only 55% wool.
I seem to be on an accessories roll since I also knitted up a long cowl, using up some Sublime merino wool in my stash. I wanted to knit a lengthwise cowl and just stop when it felt long enough. I just sewed the ends together.
The pattern is a simple lacy rib adapted from some sweater pattern or another. The lace pattern is 4 stitches:
- Row 1: K2 YO K2tog
- Row 2: P
- Row 3: SSK YO K2
- Row 4: P