I have finished Merideth from Knitting Off the Axis. The yarn is the ever popular Malabrigo worsted. I really like this cardigan, especially since I made it quite a bit narrower than the smallest size. I trimmed about 4" off of the circumference of the skirt section and about 2" off of the back bodice. I also sewed up about 5" for the underarm seam instead of 4". This sweater is knit side to side, and my gauge was a bit smaller so the cardi is also a bit shorter than the pattern length, which is a good thing. It is comfortably roomy but not really oversized. I also omitted the lower section of the sleeves because I'm not a fan of long sleeves and I really dislike sleeves that hang over my wrists. Even with the shorter sleeves, it's still pretty warm.
I like the way the back looks. It's hard to see in the photo but the bodice actually gathers a bit to fit the narrower skirt section.